Live Backgrounds

As a side project I decided to do something android-related. Since it seems I'm not good at making anything but fun visualizations, I had the idea to make some live backgrounds, which the Android platform now supports. I have a few concept sketches that I'll try to bring into reality. I suspect I'll package 3 live backgrounds together in a free download on the Market and create a paid ($0.50 - $1.00?) download to give access to all future backgrounds that I make. Here's a sample of my first background below. It's been configured two different ways to give different effects.

I am aware that there is some wobbliness to the arcs. There are a few things I noticed that need to be fine-tuned that I can't recall at the moment. This visualization was just rendered on a PC using standard Java constructs. I still have to port it over to the Android platform and use their drawing API. At that point if it's still looking wobbly I'll find a way to work that out. Look for more previews in future posts.

1 comment:

  1. Ever since I encountered Project Looking Glass, I thought it would be neat to have a background that reflected the current weather and time of day. Not just an icon or hue change, but if the background itself became rainy when it rained, for example. Something like a stylized version of a live feed of some local place outside.
