Apache + Erlang Web Frameworks

I recently started an Erlang project involving grid computation. One requirement is a web interface into the grid. Naturally, the interface would work best if the web app is written in Erlang too. As far as I know the Erlang web frameworks currently available are BeepBeep, Chicago Boss, Erlang Web, ErlyWeb, Nitrogen, and Zotonic. The problem that I have with the previous frameworks is that they're designed to work with Erlang-based servers (namely Inets, Misultin, Mochiweb, and Yaws). I'm running Apache, so out of the box none of these frameworks work on my setup. Normally, bundling a high-capacity server makes sense because if your webapp is in Erlang you probably want the whole system to be robust, distributed, large-scale, etc. However in my case, the web interface to the grid is fairly light and not mission-critical. So this is the ideal framework organization for my setup:
Creating an Erlang framework that can run under Apache (and most other HTTP servers) is a matter of hosting a CGI bridge to the framework. This bridge then makes a remote procedure call to an Erlang node requesting a page to be constructed. Since a CGI file can be composed in C/C++ it can therefore interface with Erlang nodes using the erl_interface library. Put simply, we're using a small piece of code (a working rough draft is ~200 lines) to connect a web framework written in Erlang with any web server that supports CGI (notably Apache and IIS).

This CGI bridge opens up Erlang frameworks to a host of existing non-Erlang web servers. The major use for this is connecting smaller dynamic websites with larger distributed Erlang applications. Furthermore, in the event of a server crash the larger application persists with only the web interface going down. I've written a working rough draft of the bridge, and Apache is serving pages generated from Erlang. POST and GET data among other server variables are being passed into the framework/webapp stub removing the need for side-effects within Erlang. The next step is seeing whether I can connect this bridge to an existing framework.

Synthesia Clone "Piano Hero": Creating the Roll

Summer Project Numero Uno: Synthesia Clone for Android
In the last post, I explained very badly how to convert MidiEvents in Java to timed data which you can use to create notes. Now I am going to show you some code on how to get a roll using the times in your notes. The basic idea is to have a thread that continuously redraws while keeping track of how much time has passed.

public void drawRoll(Graphics2D g, ArrayList notes) {
A: int key_width = 16;
int key_height = 100;

// Scale falling notes so that a note of length (show_duration)
// will stretch to fit the entire space available
B: double scale_factor = (double)window_height / show_duration;
boolean drawing_black_keys = false;

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < notes.size(); j++) {
Note note = notes.get(j);
C: if ( note.end_time < current_time ) { notes.remove(i); continue;}
D: if ( note.start_time > current_time + show_duration) break;

E: if(notes.is_black_key != drawing_black_keys) continue;
F: int x = NoteOffset[note.note_number] * key_width;
G: int y_start = roll_height - (int)((note.start_time - current_time) * scale_factor);
int y_end = roll_height - (int)((note.end_time - current_time) * scale_factor);
int height = y_start - y_end;
if(height == 0) height = 5;
// Remember that positive and negative y is backwards
H: if(note.is_black_key) drawBlackNote(g, x, y_end, key_width, height);
else {drawWhiteNote(g, x, y_end, key_width, height); }
drawing_black_keys = true;
(A) - You should make other methods to draw black keys and white keys and then change the appearance of the keys inside of those.
(B) - window_height is the size of my jframe, change as desired
(C) - Here, we remove notes that we have already passed
(D) - If we have found a note that isn't in view yet, we are done with this loop
(E) - Here, we skip the black keys on the first loop so that they are drawn on top of the white keys
(F) - NoteOffset is actually an Double[], so you should cast the whole line to an int, NoteOffset contains values for each key which contains the number or white keys plus one half times the number of black keys
(G) - role_height is window_height - keyboard_height
(H) - Again, you should make your own methods for drawing keys however you like

I have found it better to draw the static images before hand by creating a BufferedImage and then drawing your notes to the BufferedImage. This way, you don't need to redraw everything in real time and can simply blit pixels to the screen to scroll. To do this:
BufferedImage r = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
Graphics2D g1 = r.createGraphics();

Where drawBufferedImages() draws my keyboard, the background, and the guides. I tried drawing everything before hand to one big BufferedImage only to have Java run out of memory for any song that was longer than one and a half minutes. So I don't recommend doing that.

Then to draw everything, overload paint:
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g1.drawImage( background, 0, 0, background_width, background_height, 0, 0,
background_width, background_height, null);
drawNotePass(g1, active_list);
g1.drawImage( keyboard, 0, background_height, keyboard_width, background_height
+ keyboard_height, 0, 0, keyboard_width, keyboard_height, null);
where background and keyboard are my BufferedImage's that have been drawn earlier.

For getting good looking notes and other stuff, use gradients. To make a simple horizontal gradient for a vertical note, set x1 so the left most x-coordinate and x2 the right most x-coordinate. (I recommend not choosing two colors that are extremely different :P )
Color one = new Color(  54, 161, 201); // Random color :D
Color two = new Color( 143, 91, 56 ); // Random color :D
GradientPaint fill = new GradientPaint( x1, 0, one , x2, 0, two );
g.setPaint( fill ); // g is Graphics2D
References: Graphics, BufferedImage, GradientPaint

Synthesia Clone "Piano Hero": Parsing Midi Files

Summer Project Numero Uno: Creating a Synthesia Clone for Android

Background: Synthesia is a piano game and trainer written in C++ that builds a piano roll out of a Midi file. Synthesia was also originally named "Piano Hero" before Activision sent a cease and desist letter telling them to change their name.

Synthesia is extremely helpful for learning new songs quickly (especially if you're slow at reading sheet music like me). However, finding a decent position for a computer near/ontop of your keyboard is very troublesome. And with the recent hype over tablet computers, most of which run android?, getting Synthesia to fit on (the thingy that holds sheet music) is a must.

Midi Files: Midi files are composed of MidiEvents, which generally represents an action such as a Note On, and are organized into tracks, which represent separate streams of MidiEvents. Every event has an associated delta-time stamp, measured in ticks, which determines when it should occur relative to the previous event. In order to convert ticks to seconds, we need to know two more things: the resolution and tempo. The resolution is the number of ticks per quarter note, which I kind of think of as the quality of the midi, and can be found in the file header. The tempo is number of microseconds per quarter note, but most people appear to convert this to beats per minute. The tempo is a little more difficult as it can change during as song. Once we have all of this, converting is some pretty straight forward algebra:
ppqn = 480                   // ticks per quarter note, get from file header
bpm = 60000000 /tempo; // quarter notes per minute, get tempo from MidiEvents
mspt = 60000 /( bpm * ppqn ) // milliseconds per tick
Working with ticks in Java is a little different, because Java automatically converts the delta ticks to cumulative ticks. So events having the following ticks 10, 10, 10 respectively would become 0, 10, 20. Now here's some half-pseudo-code for parsing a single track in a Midi file in Java:
int bmp = 120; // default is 120
int tempo = 0;
int ppqn = 480; // get from file header
int last_tick = 0;

double ct = 0; // the cumulative time
double mspt = 60000.0 / ( (double)bpm * (double)ppqn );

for(int i = 0; i < track.size(); i++) {
MidiEvent event = track.get(i);
MidiMessage msg = event.getMessage();

if(msg instanceof ShortMessage)
switch( ((ShortMessage)msg).getCommand() )
case NOTE_ON:
ct += mstp * (event.getTick() - last_tick);
last_tick = event.getTick();
case NOTE_OFF:
ct += mstp * (event.getTick() - last_tick);
last_tick = event.getTick();
else if(msg instanceof MetaMessage)
switch( ((MetaMessage)msg).getType() )
case 0x51:
ct += mstp * (event.getTick() - last_tick);
last_tick = event.getTick();
tempo = getIntFromByteArray(msg.getData());
bpm = 60000000 / tempo
mstp = 60000.0 / ((double)bpm * (double)ppqn);
For the sake of a piano roll, we only need to worry about these three types of messages. Notice that NOTE_ON and NOTE_OFF are two separate events. This means that if you want to create some kind of Note object, you need to either keep an array of half complete notes or look ahead for the next NOTE_OFF event with the same key number.

One last precaution! The first track in Type 1 Midi files contain all of the tempo events for all of the other tracks and is called the tempo map.

There are three types of Midi files:

Type 0: Everything is saved in one track.
Type 1: Multiple tracks with individual parts on separate tracks.
Type 2: Multiple tracks which represent different patterns. (Not commonly found)

So what I did was to go through the first track and find all of the tempo events and create duplicate events in the rest of the tracks.