Oceania Plans

We wrote a partial interpreter for Newspeak-on-Squeak by hand in C, adding primitives for registering interest in interrupts and for arbitrary access to memory. On this interpreter, we managed to get Hello World, a clock, and some keyboard input. The approach is no longer attractive because of how time consuming and error prone it would be to translate BitBlt, Balloon, garbage collection and become.

The plan is to take SqueakNOS's copy of VMMaker and add the Newspeak bytecodes (pushImplicitReceiver, pushExplicitOuter, dynamicSuperSend) from Newspeak's copy of VMMaker. Such a VM will require a BlockContext-free image, so we need to untangle the current Newspeak implementation from Squeak 3.9. This is also a goal for the Ministry of Truth so that Newspeak can run on Cog. Such untangling will likely involve improvements in the implementation of the new mirrors and the representation of mixins and various metadata.

Nominal Progress

We bought the domain name "daftgenius.com" and designed our logo!
Hopefully you get it if you've heard of the potato battery (a common kids' science project).

Also we have a few projects coming up in the future which we'll post on soon.
One is a game, and one is an engineering project... Hint: aviation.